This LSI is an 8-bit RISC type microprocessor with high speed CMOS technology and low power consumption. Integrated onto a single chip are on chip watchdog timer (WDT), Data RAM, ROM, programmable real time clock counter, internal/external interrupt, power down mode, LCD driver, infrared transmitter function, and tri-state I/O. The EM78P468L provides multi-protection bits to protect against intrusion of user’s code in the OTP memory and a seven option bits to accommodate user’s requirements. It also provides an especial 13 bits customer ID option.
With its OTP-ROM feature, this LSI offers a convenient way of developing and verifying user’s programs. Moreover, user developed code can be easily programmed with the ELAN writer.
This LSI is an 8-bit RISC type microprocessor with high speed CMOS technology and low power consumption. Integrated onto a single chip are on chip watchdog timer (WDT), Data RAM, ROM, programmable real time clock counter, internal/external interrupt, power down mode, LCD driver, infrared transmitter function, and tri-state I/O. The EM78P468L provides multi-protection bits to protect against intrusion of user’s code in the OTP memory and a seven option bits to accommodate user’s requirements. It also provides an especial 13 bits customer ID option.
With its OTP-ROM feature, this LSI offers a convenient way of developing and verifying user’s programs. Moreover, user developed code can be easily programmed with the ELAN writer.
Operating voltage and temperature range:?
* EM78P468N:
?? * Commercial:2.3V ~ 5.5 V. (at 0℃~+70℃)
?? * Industrial: 2.5V ~ 5.5 V. (at -40℃~+85℃)
* EM78P468L:
?? * Commercial:2.1 V ~ 5.5 V. (at ℃~+70℃)
?? * Industrial: 2.3V ~ 5.5 V. (at -40℃~+85℃)
Operation speed: DC ~ 10MHz clock input
Dual clock operation?
* High frequency oscillator can select among Crystal, RC, or PLL (phase lock loop)?
* Low frequency oscillator can select between Crystal or RC mode
Totally 272 bytes SRAM?
* 144 bytes general purpose register?
* 128 bytes on chip data RAM
4K x 13 bits OTP - ROM (One Time Programmable - Read Only Memory)
Up to 28 bi-directional tri-state I/O ports?
* Typically, 12 bi-directional tri-state I/O ports?
* 16 bi-directional tri-state I/O ports shared with LCD segment output pin
8-level stack for subroutine nesting
8-bit real time clock/counter (TCC)
One infrared transmitter/PWM generator function
Four sets of 8 bits auto reload down-count timer can be used as interrupt sources?
* Counter 1: independent down-count timer?
* Counter 2, High Pulse Width Timer (HPWT), and Low Pulse Width Timer (LPWT) shared with IR function
Programmable free running on chip watchdog timer (WDT). This function can operate on Normal, Green and Idle mode
Operation modes:?
* Normal mode: The CPU operated on frequency of main oscillator (Fm)?
* Green mode: The CPU operated on frequency sub-oscillator (Fs) and main oscillator (Fm) stop
* Idle mode: CPU idle, LCD display remains working?
* Sleep mode: whole chip stop working
Input port wake up function (PORT6, PORT8). Working on Idle and Sleep mode
Eight interrupt sources, three external and five internal
* Internal interrupt source : TCC; Counter 1,2; High/Low pulse width timer.?
* External interrupt source : INT0, INT1 and Pin change wake-up (Port 6 and Port 8)